. -- destruction in the cap- haitien's. the logging is illegal, the local forest department has given the go-ahead to a local businessman. -- destruction in the carpe diems -- destruction in the s. residents are stumped. >> there's no guarantee that trees will be replanted here, that there will ever be a forest here again. they are clearing everything. nothing will remain. but i want my daughter to be able to go for a walk in the woods when she grows up. the local authorities seem unconcerned that they do not have official permission to cut down the trees. instead, the head of the forestry department tries to drive away the residents. "leave the forest or i will call the police," he says. the carpe diem mountains are home to europe's biggest untapped forests. but the precious areas are increasingly falling prey to illegal logging. what has become one of romania's biggest exports. environmental groups estimate that some three hectares of forest disappear each hour. authorities are trying to crack down in some places. in nort