doing things and in the end the french revolution and the pol pot regime and also more benign movements, and indian people sort of referred to the way they grew up. have you noticed this trend? >> guest: know, no. i so disagree. people move a fast way along the continuum and men and women over 100 years have changed, women especially vastly. compared to the way they used to be and you might be right that -- but i don't know where it is. like this idea that women can't do math and science. go to eastern europe or asia where one of my chapters is and women do math and science and engineering. so the idea that like women emphasizing brains -- we don't knows let's try that experiment, try the experiment to remove any social expectations which are hugely influential in how people see themselves. maybe we'll see. in 100 years we will get to the point where like, do you know what? i cannot be attracted to this kind of manned and i cannot become this kind of woman but we are not close to that. >> host: how about female philosopher's? >> guest: what do you mean? you could get me with silicon valley. there a