the largest of these is the theo lacey jail, with an average daily populati he always likes to say weave andy of mayberry. we don't have otis coming into the jail tank. that is unty jail inmate we've got. we have 400 people in custody for murder today. we don't have people in jail f possession of marijuana, ave some very serious felony inmates in our custody. >> hands behind your back. >> unlike pristed of only been accused and are being held a still, violence in prison.4t jails full of predators, there is always going to be prey. the inmates prey on eapf situations to occur. what happens is, thewill try to control it. they do a job. art to lose a little bit of control, what they'll do l. >> sergeant hernandez is in charge of the oran or ert. >> go ahead and grab your gear and just take it outside. >> ert is used for the major disturbances. we are used to quell riotous .gather intel. inside the armory at theo lacey, the emergency response team suits up to confront an inmate considered to be a dangerous threat. >> i'm sending you guys into nb danger, i know. this is not a drill. this i