14 years ago, which makes me seem a little older than i would like to admit, i graduated from morris browncollege students the opportunity to go on to college and graduate. so it wasn't just about talking the talk)v)vpñyñ in terms of how we eliminate violence and how we work to make changes andgwñ transformation in the community but it wasn[ñ?ñ? also about the action behind it. having the opportunity to go to school, go to high school, and knowing and understanding that ifc ?ñ? you're part of a program that will be able to pay your tuition, takes the stress=ñ?ñ? off a lot of our students and a lot of cp └u that provide a tangible opportunity for change. so we just want to thank dr. marshall and jack for the work they've done over the past 25 years and the work that they continue -- and not only did they pay college[@kw tuitions, not only do they continue to work in the community, as you see they're not here tonight, and they apologize for that but they also instilled in us, like dr. marshall's grandmother would say the more you know, the more you owe. what we continue to do as alumni is de