they will meet on the 20th to meet pierce snoheda. they can come back with concerns they have highlighted. they can have a multipurpose meeting and i think it will be well worth everyone's time. i believe the best legislation in general and best projects in general come when there is a full, fair interplay of ideas from people. lots of smart people in the room. things get made better when that happens so thank you for doing what you have done today. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker. >>> hugh hester. i know you will vote this down but i ask you between now and tuesday to get a full schedule on one sheet or two sheets or three sheets of paper. chronological what are you committing to. the conceptual framework has a bunch of dates. they are acting as though these are hard dates. the eir is to be -- this is, for all intents and purposes, 2013. they are going to do the entire eir by 2014 and get it through the port, through the planning commission, through bcdc, through you all. you have multiple votes you have the take and rez