then in the second macy's store there is tommy hilfiger, [speaker not understood] beauty, bakery, pink berry, beauty lapped. -- land. we hit the thai noodle house, [speaker not understood], chipotle, we're coming across the hyde 200 block, [speaker not understood], the hotel with custom designer jewelry store inside the retail space. the gift stage, lefloor nail and hair salon, fred's liquor mart and food mart. here's where we cross mason street and hit the o'farrell parking garage which is about 300 yards long, 8 stories high, and on their retail level they have alamo, thrifty, [speaker not understood]. we have another hotel, 450 which is the building which is totally fenced off. and then 474. if we want to knock out a gateway into mid-market unction we need to address 474 o'farrell street and three blocks north to south and east to west out of mid-market. thank you, guys, have a good day. >> thank you. any additional public comment? >>> sue hester. i was going to speak next week, but i think what dale said about the warriors deserves to be heard. i plead with the people on this commission