mentality they say oh i'm going to do that trade to and so you see lots of volatility in marketsandpittmanmarketsand people complain about that that doesn't mean that it is a legal that's what the things that i'm calling for we need to make it illegal we need to look at their books and records we need to require the testing so i'm not suggesting that there haven't been h f t moves that have gotten around certain laws i don't know of any specifically i see a lot of people that complain about it but when i look at what the law is and what's been done there's nothing that we've come that's come up so far that we've talked about publicly although i will say that for the future from what i understand four out of the five commissioners on the stand to see don't actually have trading clearing our exchange experience this may surprise some people given the complexity of today's markets especially do you believe this is a handicap at all for the staff to see or are something that should change. i mean i think that we are i would be one of those forwards who don't have a trading experience but i t
mentality they say oh i'm going to do that trade to and so you see lots of volatility in markets and pittman markets and people complain about that that doesn't mean that it is a legal that's what the things that i'm calling for we need to make it illegal we need to look at their books and records we need to require the testing so i'm not suggesting that there haven't been h f t moves that have gotten around certain laws i don't know of any specifically i see a lot of people that complain about...