believe it or not, the uk banned this ad saying it was too rau l raunchy.couldn't be what i thought it was. >> i want you guys to take a look at this and tell me what you think it is. >> we crossed a threshold which global security could be at risk. encrypting the das, a was a mistake. certain places have an energy that not only attracts people but attracts events. >> twilight zone 2012. >> it's confusing me. >> it's an interactive game that uses the whole planet. >> what? >> take google earth, make an interactive game and you have something for your mobile phone called ingress. how you play, you get your phone, walk to points of interest, connect dots and build a wall between your energy field and the people on the other side try to tear your wall down. >> there's resistance. people think this thing they have uncovered is not good for us or enlightened, think this energy thing is positive for us. in the middle of the game they will continue to feature videos like this to keep people interested. >> i would like to be on a rogue team that messes everything u