this is razid al raji. we see where they're going from that camera. we see a view of the drivers and we see a view of the pedals. >> they're foot driving. >> so here they are in their ford, cruising along, going pretty good, going fast. they're in their third stage of the event. in it you can hear the code driver giving instructions, and eventually they go around some sharp turns, but eventually they get to one turn that they misjudge. >> oh! >> 131 feet this team rolled from the course. they just misjudged and things got off track, you could say. >> that's what's fun about watching a rally. it's on a course, not a racetrack. this is racing real world. >> but get this, the competition continues after they wreck. >> open your door. >> amazingly, these guys were both unhurt. we see this from a different angle from the intercontinental rally challenge broadcast, you can see a television camera on these guys and they're crawling out of the car. they kind of go thumbs up. >> tripping was the least of his worry that day, but this is pretty amazing stuff. >>