robin wright, from wilson center and institute of peace. she spent her professional career covering the middle east as our own judith miller, who was the cairo bureau chief for "the new york times" and fox news contributor. what a pleasure to have you both with us today, two great experts on this. robin, what are we seeing play out in egypt? why did morsi's actions last week cause this type of reaction in the streets? >> well it comes in the context of the deep polarization between islamist parties and secular forces, between the forces of the past and the force who is are in power at the moment. it also comes in context with the great struggle to define the new constitution. the judiciary is controlled to a certain degree by holdovers from the mubarak area dissolved parliament and appeared to be on verge of dissolving the constituent assembly was writing constitution and that would have meant to go to square one. jenna: if i could just stop you so we get the full understanding of this. some say the judiciary, the judges would dissolve the committee that morsi starked with other islamists and that's what they were trying to check that power, that quote, unquote power grab critics are ta