areas that are well served by tran as it and the experience of seattle, vancouver, santa barbara, sapta maria and los angeles all suggest that micropearmt apartments are providing a very valuable service to working residents of the city and there are numerous examples of successful projects that do not compete with single family homes and which provide a very valuable service to the working people of the city. s pack and others did a survey of san francisco residents to fine where they stand and find out that bay two-one margin, voters of san francisco support microdevelopment by 30 to one margin they interiored it if they were more familiar with this legislation. so it's a building type that has wide-spread support throughout the citizens at large. particularly valuable aspect of microdevelopment is that microdevelopments is that it goes in dollars are well served by tran as it and which the city would like to see more pedestrians and more street level activity. so, across the board, i think the city and the residents will benefit by having a chance to live in microapartments and, i think th