morgan. >> okay. thanks todd. good morning chair avalos and commissioners. i'm going to report briefly on some other improvements that we expect to deliver in the next few years. generally came out of recommendations from the balboa park station capacity study. todd was already talking about of course the pedestrian bridge and walk way that is in the center of this slide, but you can see there are other improvements for bringing the station area that will improve safety, accessibility and comfort and convenience. here are the key tracking improvements and starting in the upper left. we have the weigh finding signs. bart is going to be putting some on their property but of course there are needs for the overall station area to help people make transfers, to help them find neighborhood attractions. you have a handout i believe that includes a couple of maps of proposed locations right around the station area within one to three blocks where we intend to put in signs. some of those will go in hopefully by the end of december, so there's also need -- >> i actual