joining me is andy potter, vice president of the michigan corrections organization and chair of seiu'slican national advisory committee. good to have you here. because law makers in michigan attached a spending measure to the right to work bills, they can't be rescinded through a referendum but as politico is pointing out, labor unions are staging a counter attack on this. explain why right to work for people, that's supposed to be for the good of the people, would not therefore be put up for a right to be voted on by the people, and now seems entrenched in the fact that it can't go to a referendum. >> well, outside of the referendum, we are ramping up different kinds of opportunities. we are going to reach out to community partners and we are going to be continuing the conversation for two years until we can use the ballot system as well so that everything from legal possibilities to outreach and out speaking, making sure our message gets heard. >> as we talk about the fact that this is happening in a blue state like michigan, the first of its kind, what do labor organizations like yo