and of course, belva davis retired after hosting this show for nearly two decades. >> well, that gives us a little refresher of what we've just been through this year, but josh richman, everything was dwarfed by the presidential election in a lot of ways, $2 billion spent. so, how is history going to look back on this election, do you think? what are we going to remember about this year? >> well, i think history will look back on it as, as you say, a very expensive and very hard-fought election that presented a very clear ideological choice and in the end was not really close, certainly by the electoral college count and even in the popular vote to some extent. the country has essentially doubled down on a lot of what president obama has stood for in his first term and says he wants to accomplish in the second term. and some very significant gaps became clear in terms of who is where in this country in politics. you know, there's a gap among minority voters, latino voters, asian american voters. women voters are clearly dividing toward one side. >> they all voted. i mean, they came out