chazana, and he hurt his back very badly this year. he has always been a big, strong guy, who did everything and had back problems and now he is a weak man. the doctor says his problems are getting worse with age with his back and they will continue to get worse. so we're dealing with an ongoing disability and i will probably be the caregiver. when we got the stack of papers from the other side for this hearing it was very formidable. they have all kinds of exhibits and witnesses and different aspects of the situation are detailed in quite a great detail. but this whole thing in our viewpoint is not a contest. it's not majority/minority or a vote. what we are saying is that americans with disabilities act means that disabled people have legal rights regardless of whether they are a majority or minority. so what we are asking for is not anything special. we're just asking to have our legal rights observed and upheld. also, we're not asking for anything new. before we always had access through the backdoor to the alley and the street. it