i'm danica patrick, and i drive4copd. take action today to breathe better tomorrow.the movement at drive4copd.com. take our screening questionnaire today, and talk to your doctor. >>> welcome back to the "rtm" 2012 countdown, everybody. top three time, and our number three video is quite a catch. >> the law of the jungle, killer be killed, always the strong survive, all the other things they say about the law of the jungle. got to warn you, this video can be a little tough to watch. what do you see lurking in the brush? leopard, a beast. spotted beast. it's a leopard, my friends. but he's not there just hanging out in the shade because he's tired. he's lurking because he hears something a coming. >> oh! >> yes! >> that's the most brilliant takedown i've ever seen in the jungle. >> it's something right out of professional wrestling. a heard of impalas. not chevy impalas, impala the animal, he leaps, suplexes one of them, takes it down, then begins tossing it around like it's a rag doll. this is what happens in nature. he was like, you've got to be kidding me. i'm goin