dr. ron steinguard, a child psychologist.s so important to talk about mental health and i think we need policies that support that conversation. we have a law on the books. in 2007 the senate passed the nix improvement act and decides who gets guns essentially and required states to report that those adjudicated by a court to be mentally ill or a danger to themselves or others or suicidal to this nix board. i don't know that that's sufficient. it's a good start. what else can we do in terms of policy to support a better mental health system? >> you know, i think that's interesting because the way that's framed it actually connotes that mental health's the only arena that you need to be careful of vetting looking for gun control and an implication that's a group to be separated for some reason that they need special care. i think the way you framed the segment was that this is something that we don't normally like to talk about. i think was the way you started this particular segment. i think, unfortunately, this is the only t