eskind and i tried to help them, so if this has helped them, and take on the sob sisters saying we're trying to ruin all the old people in america, get serious. if humor will do that, i think that's great. nobody has any humor in washington. there ain't none left. >> schieffer: mr. bowles, what are you saying to your party about the need for entitlement reform? that's where the resistance is coming from. it's coming from the democrates, not republicans. >> absolutely, bob. i love alan. he's an american treasure. but, look, even if you raise the top rates back to the clinton rates, that only creates about $400 billion over 10 years. that's $40 billion a year. we have a tron dollar a year deficit. that aloneuent solve the problem. we have to cut spending. health care in this country, we spend twice as much on health care as any other developed nation, and that's whether it's percent of g.d.p. or on a per-capita base. we have to slow the growth of health care to the rate of the economy. the president put $350 billion worth of cuts on the table. that's not enough. we're going to have to d