manor, tell us about the quality of all of the highgate manor pieces.ordered a set last of two in highgate 1 i kept for and it is a beautiful smooth does not rankle and the others that i am giving to my daughter this set i am giving to my sister for christmas. she will love it. they are they've really are and i the watches beautiful, i had bought them before and they do watch beautiful and they come out of the drive, they're not like some of c13 sheets that they are wrinkled and they look awful, this is beautiful and this one is exceptional i bought it and sage for her. it is a beautiful >>guest: color that is the shade of green, it is a whisper. >>caller: bedroom are stationed there will look beautiful. >>guest: to you think of that or price? >>caller: it is outstanding, the quality is outstanding and i like get an awful lot. >>guest: i am so pleased, pinky perry and >>caller: you can see on tv how nice it looks but when you get it at when you lay on it it feels so good. and >>host: looks beautiful and it will lay beautifully so think you for your call