o'malleysays he plans to - introducc bills aimedat ppeventingga similar trageey fromoccurring here inaryland. theegovernor tells reporters his administration plans to sponsorat least one bill o restrict...orbbn assault weapons.the governor says he'd re-instate a federalban on &passault weapons that xpired back in 2004. ((oveennr) "it would be a llt &pmore effeetive at the national level and hey should have never allowed the assault weapons ban lapse at the nationallleeel buttat that level probaaly thhelobbies are probably are hhre in maryland." maryland."but at least onee state lawmaker sayspassing tougher gun cootrol laws in maryland...will not make society any safer. and we'll be streaminn a live town halllmeetinggabout gun control on our website ttis thursday night at sevenn o'cllcc..- baltimore county high school student is suspended fromm school after aawilddffght ii ttat girll'sfather blamee sttrtiig the fight. fight. keith daniels high school, where the ffght keith? jennifer..... fighting.... buu tonight... the father of ne the girls says hii daughter pas donn nothing wrong. ..