levey? >> no, yes. >> we had a smoking area in the high school it was called the pit. >> oh yes, the pit. it is not there now. i have gone back and shortly after i left -- the bench -- i was the end of the bench. i was the end of the smoking area. but i didn't smoke. >> i would imagine the pit is long gone from my high school as well. all punishments in school you have to do extra work. suspension obviously is bad, looks bad, but it gets you out of school. nobody wants to do extra work. >> in this modern era, the thing that always bothered me is no matter what, both kids get punished. he started it wasn't an excuse. now in instant replay everybody has it on their cell phone. find out who started it and stop this punish everybody. >> we are teaching people not to fight back. joy exactly. >> that's bad. >> when you do record it on your phone, can you turn the thing sideways. >> thank you. thank you, anthony. >> a shortened view of these great fights. >> and stop locking down your youtube accou