journey.hawthorne says: "for &ptwo yeaas i sat on the couch and ate myself to deathh death.the lsson in innpiratioo... for the studdnts at one hagersttwn hiih school. 3 ((breakk1)) 3 ((traffic rrporter 3 meteorologist)) 3 meteorologist))((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 &p((traffic reporter map 395 mapo 195 map 40 map &p3 3 3 3 3 3 still to come... get the ifts you really want this holiday se. season.the digital wish lists ttat aae making shoppinggfor the perfect gift... eaaier than ever. burge says: "i think it feels gooo for me because of what it's doing for him." a life-changiig email.the gets friendshii tat inspired him... to drop nearly half his body eiggt. ((breek 2)) from his death bee... to tte lecture hall, beth parker has tte story of onee man got his life back onn community. thhs ii a lesson in ass. hawthorne returned to his alma mattr south haggrstown high to ask a question...hawttoone 625 pounds? hh's that maa....r at least he was. haathorne says: "for two years i sat on the ouch and ate mmseef to death. food was my drug." as a kid... hawthorne says: "the highlight offmy paper