every day the secret services of the state that you have along with the ministry of mines and energy as you know sweep the country. so that this activity doesn't fuel the conflict i mean you know i mean you know you know people are going to argue that in order to prevent it's what again as we have done up to now. a special police unit is in charge of hunting down the illegal gold miners. poor peasants watch helicopters landing in the middle of nowhere. it's not that we the small miners fund the illegal groups as the government says you know in order to protect our lives our families and to work in peace. but we are forced to pay protection to illegal groups. because the state doesn't protect us you know the police and security forces did their job we wouldn't be obliged to pay for protection. so those. here they do the opposite they fight as they search for us humiliate us and throw us off our own land so they can surrender it all to the in multi-nationals. or ben takes the or which comes out of the mine. into the mills to get a pulverized. the cylinders contain metal spheres. cyanid