the hope is that just like harvey gave hope to that young man from altuna, pennsylvania, we as a city can give hope to that young man and had young woman from the 77 countries. the timing is especially important for me as a member of the lgbt community. we are at a crossroads in history of lgbt right in this country. in a few months our united states supreme court will be deciding a number of cases that at their core go to the very question of whether or not we as members of the lgbt community are equal under the constitution and under the laws of this country. and what a better time for the city and county of san francisco to send a message that recognizes the dignity and humanity of this community, by dodging the contributions of one of its heroes harvey milk. that is what this is about. my proposal to name this airport is the first airport named after an openly gay person we are in no way trying to diminish the work and accomplishments of other individuals who are also deserving of that honor. this has to be viewed in the context of what is happening in this country and in this wor