camp winnetka is closing. it's in today's paper. guess he'll have to come up with another activity for the summer. you don't understand. i've never seen milo this excited about anything. he's been packing for camp since christmas. all right! a duffle bag! milo, don't you want to open up your other presents? of course. just a soon as i'm done packing for camp. it seems like all he does is talk about camp winnetka. i'm going to camp winnetka! see what i mean? but wouldn't the camp have called milo's dad by now to tell him that they're closing? how could they do that if they're already closed? huh, good point. a coffee pot? why do you want a coffee pot? he was doing another experiment, right? yup. well, truman, i guess you'll just have to break the news to milo. i can't crush another one of his dreams. last week milo found out the ice cream parlor stopped serving peanut butter swirl, his favorite flavor. one more piece of bad news could shock milo's system and destroy his ability to experience joy. forever. life. dull. running through