he was a youngster when the crimean war took place. so, let's cut to the quick.i think it has mainly sentimental value, quite honestly and historical value. i think it's got enormous entertainment value. i don't think i've ever seen anything like it before. i would have no hesitation in putting £2,000 on the whole lot. good lord. that's amazing. i'd never have thought that. i think it is amazing, and i think it's the jokiest thing i've seen today. it'll stay in the family i can tell you that for a start. i hope so. that's where it should've been. yes, indeed. a sweet little decanter for gin, and the owner's initial-- "w.l." is that a family member? no, it isn't. i picked this up at a local charity shop a year or so ago for £5. well a decanter for gin and decorated all around. these are masonic emblems, aren't they? so, all the emblems of the grand lodge and all sorts of insignia which have great meaning to their original owners-- the mallets and the ladders and the trowels. and on the top the bull's-eye stopper. i do like bull's-eye stoppers. a little lens magnif