nonsense, says fred hartman. >> we get it back in spades as far as the company is concerned with the loyalty, the effort that's put forward. perhaps our folks aren't as fast as some of the younger ones, but we have more than enough people so that we can ironically enough, be one of the fastest in our industry in responding to our customers requirements. >> reporter: an opposite critique: that because the older workers receive social security and medicare, the company is exploiting cheap labor, paying low wages while government picks up the tab for benefits. >> that's not true at all. we have young people that are 21 years old that work here. we pay competitive wages for our market and then on top of that have an annual profit sharing where if the company wins everybody wins. >> reporter: so you're offended by the question? >> i am. we don't pay full-time benefits to people that are part-time. our workforce, by in large is part-time, so we have more than enough help to cover our daily needs. >> reporter: but don't the workers sometimes feel exploited? we put the question to rosa finne