williabutleryate sai education is notthfillin of pai but lightinof a fire [applause] thisyearas youconsider needucatiola ias you to conside theprincipl o subsidiary that is the ideathat a central authorithoul onlyperforthos tasks which cano bperforme at aor immediateorloca level. in other wordshigher o more remote levels o government like thstat shouldrender assistancto local school districtsbu always respectthei primary jurisdiction and the dignity anthfreedo oteachers an sudents subsidiarity ioffended when districauthoritie prescribe in minutdetail whatistaught howit i taught and how iis t b measured i prefer t trustou teachers i the classroom eachdadoin thereal wor lighting firesin young minds. [applause] my 201budgetlaysouth case for cutting categorical programs and puttingmaximu authority an discretio back into thloca level with school boards i'm asking you tapprov brand new, local control fundinformul which distribute supplementa funds, notthbasi funds supplement aone' ove a extended period oftime t schooldistrict based o the realworl poblemsthey face this are formularecognizes child i famil makin 20,