so guys it's viewer feedback going right to traitor at pincio in public said why worry about proliferation of drones and invasive surveillance if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear ok this is serious is that all of us are given the book here's the problem once these rights are gone they won't ever be given back ever this isn't about catching terrorists this is about creating a survey on spirit of control that creates a chilling effect doubted lee stifle dissent who knows maybe one day you will have something that you won't want to be tracked but it'll be too late because of people just like you who become utterly complacent with living in a post the state switching to facebook tamborine tracey's said great to hear the term internationalist abbey it's been a while i knew you were one of course but i so rarely hear it said from another activist or political progressive commentator nationalism is so deep rooted it divides us the most obvious one of all is that we are all human beings tracy i agree i think blind national is one of the biggest impediments of humanity's progress b