central america, in regin's mine, becomes the bulwarks of communism. -- in ronald reagan's mind, becomes the bulwark of communism. they are going to come up. he is worried about what mollah, honduras, going read. central american molla countries going read. i saw soldiers there the reminded me of my own experience in vietnam, young, walking around, lost, white skin and all of that. i said do you remember vietnam? they said we do not want to talk about it. there were death squads, terror, the right wing parties of central america took they're not from reagan and karen -- nod from the reagan and killed dozens of people. out of the economics of ronald reagan, the south americans were decimated. the international monetary fund and world bank play a huge role. people turned against it. the leaders that came in at the 20th century were reactions against ronald reagan. >> you talk about obama, managing a wounded empire. you are fiercely critical of but you also support him. >> i support him because the alternative was more frightening. obama has made it very clear that it is about american powe