ronaiah tuiasosopo's uncle- who gave us thess pictures of himmas a child- teels us tuiasosopo is peligiousi aabaad at hii father's church."it's hard for me because i knoo the kid all hiis ife- and it's the first time i hearddsomethhng piie that."deadspin says tuiasosooo and manni teeo know each other.notre dame's athletic director, who hired pnvestigators in ttisscase, was asked iffttey're cousins or family friends:"that characterization does not - squaar wiih my information, but i'll llt the te'os aadress it."we could not reach maati te'o, his parents or his agent for comment.tuiasosopo is a former player himself-- seen hhre as a quurterback at antelope valley high school. he's got relltives who've played college nd pro football.(ssandup)"i spoke on the phonn with marques tuiaaosopoo a former & raiders and new york jets. marques saad hees a distant cousin of ronaiah tuiasosopo. marques diin't want to tape n interview. he said he can't say nything about this story, doeen't know ronaaah well. but marques did say that he and his family know the te'o family."who's the woman depicted in social