joining me now, wayne slater, senior political writer for the "dallas morning news."ve you here. you have covered texas and national politics over the last 20 years. we remind everybody the last time texas went blue was in the carter days. the latino vote overall overwhelm league gone to democratic candidates over the republican ones. so as we drill down to texas specifically and its exploding latino population is that what democrats are seizing on to see this demographic advantage? >> that is exactly what they are seizing on. that is exactly it, thomas. you see this growing hispanic population. a population disproportionately votes for democrats. and so you now see this new national group recognizing that texas, which is the big enchilada in terms of electoral votes is so important. if it could get a growing number of hispanics out and voting in texas, to turn texas within four years from red to blue, those electoral vote gs with reliably blue states like california and new york and the next president of the united states could very well be a democrat who is halfway