meredith attwell baker who was one of the f krchcc commissiones who approved comcast's merger with nbcuniversalft the agency four months later to join comcast as a highly paid lobbyist. that move infuriated media groups. >> but that warm pond of familiarity in washington sees this as absolutely normal behavior. just yesterday the former chief of staff of the fcc left to be the general counsel of a regulated company. it happens all the time. and so in order to change this you'd have to make regulation of this area not be carried out by such a focused agency. right now, the fcc's asymmetry of information is striking. they only talk to the industry. the community is all so close. in order to break that up you'd have to make sure you had a broad based agency seeing lots of different industries. >> about the time i was reading your book i also read a speech by the present chair of the fcc, julius genachowsk i. he said, "the united states is in a global bandwidth race. a nation's future economic security is tied to frictionless and speedy access to information." if you were chair of the fcc what woul