he's a lambeth chinaman.here he was made, and, well, see, he's sitting in a chinese-style landscape painted in the bold colors of london delft. it's very bright red, and the use of the blue with these little scratched-in lines, such a typical feature, especially of the lambeth delftware. yes. so not just one for £5, but another one, also £5. yes, also £5. and another-- well, actually, this is a little bit more convincing, i suppose, because you got one chip there. that's not bad, is it? no. i mean, i think they're beautiful. i don't mind the chips at all. i think it sort of adds a bit to them. it shows their age a bit more. it's--it's a nice design, really. there's a bird flying there, a rather comical bird. the influence here is chinese porcelain from the early 18th century, and that's what this was imitating. this one-- actually this one, i don't think is a lambeth one. i think this looks more bristol. bristol, right. delft was made in many places, and hard to say just where, but this is even older. this on