>> guest: i write longhand in a notebook and make all my corrections on the paper, you know, arrows and things crossed out and pages stuck in. and when i get a section or a chapter to a point where i think i am not going to be able to make it any better, i take the time to type it in to the computer. i'm very slow typing. that's the last edit that i do of something before i send it to my editor. send it to the editor and within two or three days i get a call from him saying this is good, that's not, more of this, less of that, keep going. don't go back and rewrite just keep going, and i basically got through both of my books with that process. c-span: so where did you write it? >> guest: i wrote "the lobster chronicles," i wrote most of it on isle au haut. i wrote a little bit in portland, maine, had an apartment in portland for a while and wrote a little bit there. c-span: by the way, you're saying isle au haut and for those that have never seen this, it's i-s-l-e, and then a new word, a-u, and then a new word h-a-u-t. >> guest: that's right. c-span: how do you get from what looks like