. >> mary quinn o'connor. the stories from all of the passengers are still pouring in. >> mothers with babies this morning here is more of their reaction after finally making it back here at home. >> the emergency power was all we had. we had no running water for the first day then we finally got a shower on monday. >> cold shower. >> cold, freezing cold shower. the dining room had a -- it was -- it was on a tilt. the dining room had water about -- i could show you the pictures i took. this seat every time you would go one way it would slide across. people were falling because there was so much water. we don't know what it was. >> we had food an water every day. that's been a blessing. the only bad experience was the bathroom situation. there were four bathrooms working with several stalls in them but for a few hours for a lot of hours we didn't have working toilets so we had to go in back. >> you said there's plenty of food and water there. i understand there has been issues involving people on-line getting f