provide excellent vision and support for our work and teacher librarians work together for every skaout at each school and one big example of the work that we do that has been recently completed is related to the model school library standards that were adopted in california, for the whole state of california in 2010. since then, the teacher librarians in san francisco have met in grade level teams, k5 and 68, to create a library sequence and here it is. and our work continues with the scope and sequence as we create model lessons of the scope and sequence and the collaboration of the teachers at every sight and this is relevant and important work and i am happy to have the opportunity to work with professional, librarians across the school district. thank you very much. >> and while we are taking pictures, i want to clarify that the special service award is presented to the library team, row khel, and michelle and ellen wu and it was presented by daisy santo s, i should have worn my glasses. >> thank you, mr. superintendent. item d we have our student delegate's report, miss ly and mis