about pursuing divestment strategies in the era of mass incarceration, meaning divesting from private prisons. the united methodist church, actually, the national united methodist church just announced that they have decided to divest from private prisons. you can say, well, what is a church doing investing in private prisons in the first place? well, you know, churches invest in pensions and mutual funds, right? and very often we don't even know what companies our mutual funds are invested in. well, private prisons have become profitable, so many investment portfolios now include private prisoners as one of the profitable companies that any institution ought to invest in. um, and so you can wonder, you know, is this institution that we're in invested in private prisons? i don't know. >> they are! >> what churches are invested, have funds in private prisons? so i think a divestment campaign, um, urging universities, churches, corporations to divest from private prisons directly as well as any mutual fund or pension plan that has even one penny invested in private prisons could be very helpful in crippling the private prison industry. but more i