you produce a lot, you get a lot, including the right to give it away however reason you want to. , eachk importantly of us has a moral right to pursue our personal happiness. we are not guaranteed success, but we have that right. if you think about a person pursuing their personal happiness, they have to have the right to be free to act consistent with their own beliefs, to act as an independent, free person, as having a fundamental right to their own life. that idea not only created a tremendously successful country -- it did create a successful country. they are more productive and innovative and creative. they also created a very benevolent country. when people have a right to their own life, they are naturally nicer to other people. a communist and socialist society, everyone ends up hating each other because they are slaves to each other. we believe each individual has a moral right to pursue personal happiness. that is the american sense of life. whatever technical differences we may have, i think all of us are in the business of defending that american sense of life. that is the f