. >> evelyn angels, and i am here to read the first hand account of the facts of (inaudible) she apologizes that she could not be here but felt that it was important to read it on record. >> may 10, 2012, i personally attended the conference to asra pacific was interested in responding to the airport's advertisement contracting opportunity. at the congress on 20 12, the presenter made the presentation with the help of powerpoint slides, she did not deviate from the powerpoints presentation and in fact, she read directly from the slide. also, attending at the informal conference were instructed to submit any and all formally and in writing in information was presented that was not part of the powerpoint presentation. at the conference she haired what was already stated in the rfp. >> new information was not presented. i am confidents confident of this because fp the meetings and knowledge of presentation styles. i recall that she only reiterated what was listed in the written rfp p regards to the scoring minimum guarantee amount and she did not present any new information or provide any meth