there's all kinds of great on line education free tough on itunes to paid stuff and kelby training. >ou can put in the fill space on the resumÉ. you've got an empty block of six months, nine months a year, but you say i've been going back to school, i'm training. make sure it's in the field relevant to you. a lot of people are using this time because we've got unemployment at 7.7% to go into aa new field. i always recommend jobs that can give you income. it may not be the dream job you want but it's something to get you by in the meantime. again, that goes in the resumÉ, so all of this, again, this law, i understand it, i think it's a good idea. what i think they should have done is what new jersey did. the state of new jersey is offering tax breaks to employers that will bring in long term unemployed and hire them. that's a better option. we should say mayor bloomberg did veto this, but it didn't work. it's still going into effect, unfortunately. >> he vetoed the nanny move. >> even bloomberg who loves to tell us what to do in the city and how to live our lives didn't like this. he's