la shawn will be focusing on a lot of issues that they're not concerned about, but focusing on how the loans are marketed. lashawn johnson works on a broad range of consumer credit and financial service issues, including challenging unfair, deceptive acts or practices by online payday lenders, and most recently she is focused on issues relating to the lending and debt collection practices of online payday lenders affiliated with native american tribes. prior to joining the f.t.c. in 2003, lashawn was a litigation associate with the washington, d.c. firm, reached her b.a. with honors from howard university, graduated from the university berkeley school of law. and katie will discuss phantom debt collectors. these scams seem based overseas, for instance in india. call consumers and aggressively assert the consumers owe them for a payday loan. in most cases there is no real debt, or certainly these collectors have no authority to collect on whatever payday loan a consumer may have taken out. and so in fact really no more than shakedowns. katie also is an attorney with the f.t.c.'s divisio