exactly as you've just said, "it's all in your head." >> hinojosa: oh, my god. >> "it's all in your head, nothing to be done." until february 1998. maria, i don't want to frighten you or your viewers, but this is how i sounded: (voice straining): i could barely get a word out. >> hinojosa: oh, my god. >> and on that last day in february 1998, i did the show and then i had to go downtown to moderate a program at the four seasons. i raced back to the office and to my boss, my manager, and i said, "i'm out of here." and he said, "what do you mean you're out of here?" and i said, "i've got to find out what is the matter with my voice." and he said, "when will you be back? fundraiser is next week." >> hinojosa: (laughs) "this is public radio, we need you around for the fundraiser." >> exactly. so i said, "i have no idea." i sat at home for four months, not speaking to a soul except my husband, not answering a phone, not going to a drugstore for a prescription because i'd have to say my own name. it was terrifying. until one day, my internist called my husband and said, "well, you have to take her to johns hopkins. we need to find out if she