much money he had left at the time of his death he lost a multibillion dollar lawsuit against romano bravo overage owning towns of millions of dollars in legal fees to divorces on top of that had forced to cut staff and sell property to some speculate whether he was going broke what's known for sure is that he left that's long the lawyers thirteen criminal cases in russia x. wives and children all of them ready to begin a new battle for what's left from various brazeau skis fortune. t.v. . interview and today we sit down with russia's deputy foreign minister sergei lavrov to talk about the upcoming brics summit and how far it can go in helping solve the world's main political problems. sigrid laboratory tim curry was able to build most sophisticated robots which fortunately doesn't sound anything tim's mission to teach me the creation of why you should care about humans and. this is why you should care only. download the official. to yourself choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. if you're away from your television or it just doesn't not with your mobile devices you