they have to get there j.p. m e. everybody had to get pushed through the pipeline very quickly and there was a lot of pressure on us as shares to figure out a way to get them through more quickly and this has been a lot of on line distance education programs that got started and i pretty well known i am going on a limb saying the air force clearly won the battle of the race to the bottom for who could get the simplest program to get these people through fast enough. basically a program where you took the test until you got it right. that occurs less. we build some rigor into the program and the distance education program and free seminar programs are good. there is a program in washington, naval war college program that is very valuable. one of these free seminar programs, a very high percentage of congressional staffers learn whatever it is they know about security studies. many of them came out of oberlin college with a degree in literature and find themselves on the armed services committee and they take this dist