and another one from car michael who had a weapon incident at betsy car michael campus this december she was rude and literally hang up on the woman and called the cops and filed a police report. and the police officer got the same treatment she was so rude so my concern is if she does this with the parents how does she treat the parents. i want her out from our school. sorry i'm shaking i'm so mad. if i literally have to take time off from school and have all the parents sign this i will do that. i will hope - i'm sure you guys have kids. it's really disrespect full she's so rude. i feel sorry for the students. my daughter is graduating this year i have nothing to lose. and i wanted to go to betsy carr michael it's a great school i owe it to that school i owe it to that school. if she's our assistant principle is my son safety in that school knowing she doesn't care. please take a long time my report it's here please take a look >> just following up on it same topics topic on the same topic regarding the assistant principle for several weeks my stepdaughter was telling the randomly