this is mind boggling devito percent of those surveyed, 12 percent of those surveyed think the law wasd by congress. 7%, 7% say the supreme court overturned a. gerri: he joins me now with some strong words and, frankly, embarrassing facture the president. what issue are you talking about tonight? >> it is a lot of fun to watch what people do think about all of these laws that have been passed, but particularly the signature law. tonight i am talking about the single biggest problem in washington today, the lack of leaders, the numbers of home ownership released today and to my goodness, people started just plucking about those being the lowest since 1995. while some people may see that as a huge problem in and of itself, maybe they should be thinking more about their homes rather than their houses. i see all of this as a symptom of a president who has not focused on what should have been his number one issue all along, growing this economy, putting people back to work. living -- moving straight ahead to an era of prosperity instead of this dour town that he is saidwhat remains of what