dr. christensen. mr. speaker, i'd also like to take the opportunity to acknowledge a young person on the floor, the gentlelady from tah, potentially the next -- nevada, i'm sorry. my goodness. from nevada. the young ms. horsford who is here tonight. this is truly unique quality time to spend with your daughter. there are numerous factors that contribute to the growing health disparities in new jersey's 10th district. poverty, inadequate access to health care and other inequalities. these -- a piecemeal approach to fixing them will not work. a conch rehencive approach that focuses on providing access to quality care for all, creating good jobs that provide a decent living and increasing educational opportunities for low-income families is the only way to eliminate health disparities once and for all. even in the 21st century, health disparities start, especially in the african-american community new york which life expectancies are lower and infant mortality rates are higher. children of color who live at