so, thank you. >> thank you, kay lee. we're going to have comments towards the end, but people can point -- pose questions or make comments, but thank you. next speaker. >>> hi, my name is jen. i am a student here at george washington high school. i'm a junior. i also work for the beacon at presidio middle school nyca. yeah, i just ntus is a really important and it helps people like me and other students who are here today get jobs and be able to work. >>> hello, my name is kevin chin and i am also a at george washington high ask and richmond village. i am in multiple programs in the beacon such as young workers leadership academy and the beacon leider ship team. in those programs i learnment, many activities ~ and i learn skills, skills that will obviously help me in the future, like learning to speak in public like i'm doing now. [laughter] >>> which is really hard. learning to speak in public, making presentations, conducting counsel. and i would like to thank you for funding the beacon and to continually support the b