my name again is keith wagoner, i'm here with libby wagoner lle representing the appellants recreation and open space for the waterfront [speaker not understood] and fred. we've already discussed the first portion of our brief that addresses jurisdictional issues. and, so, i will just pick up the discussion at page 8 where we raise the substantive issues that we have with the issuance of the permit. the first issue that we've raise is that the permit does not meet police code requirements. pursuant to the police code, the entertainment commission is not authorized to issue a place of entertainment permit in the following circumstances. first, notwithstanding mitigation, provided under the security plan, the building structure equipment cannot adequately accommodate the type of volume and vehicle and pedestrian traffic. the premises of the proposed operation has adequate safeguard to prevent among other things emissions of noise and glare that would substantially interfere with the public health, safety, and welfare. and the permit has not provided a security plan that adequately addres